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Resus Council Guidance on Dentists level of Equipment

Resus Council Guidance

Primary dental care-equipment list

1. Introduction and scope
2. General points
3. Suggested minimum equipment list
3.1 Airway and Breathing
3.2 Circulation
3.3 Notes

1. Introduction and scope
Primary dental care facilities have an obligation to provide a high-quality resuscitation service and to ensure that staff are trained and updated regularly to a level of proficiency appropriate to each individual’s expected role.

As part of the quality standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice and training, this document provides lists of the minimum equipment required for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in primary dental care. This document is referenced from, and is a component of, the ‘Quality standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice and training for primary dental care’.

The core standards for the provision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation across all healthcare settings are described in:

Introduction and overview Quality standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice and training

To view the whole guidance click here

One thought on “Resus Council Guidance on Dentists level of Equipment

  1. Wessex Medical can supply you with the whole range of response equipment including defibrillators, which we have been selling for over thirty years, so please ask our advice.

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